*View the interactive works in the virtual gallery.
*Acceda al folleto “MI HISTORIA. MUCHAS HISTORIAS.” para leer biografías de los artistas y descripciones de los proyectos en español e inglés.
Mute Morphology by Daniela Echeverri Idárraga
Mute morphology gathers a great spirit of hope.
It condenses the experiences that led to my departure to Argentina.
It suggests a cathartic mood, a vital urgency of un-walking certain paths of the wounded memory.
For a long time, there was a constant risk of remaining in suffering and settling in it. Migrating allowed me to find new forms of being in the world, putting together the fragments of an identity that seemed dissolved, it was a possibility for transformation and self-knowledge.

Stories of a Migrant by Joyce Cervantes Obregón
Stories of a migrant. To tell: to narrate or to introduce. Una: feminine unit in Spanish. Migrant: They go to a country or region different from their place of origin in order to become established there temporarily or permanently.
It is about approaching different experiences of black, indigenous, Latin and migrant women. Each one of these experiences is unique, but likewise, they share with each other the fact that they are “outside of,” that they question where we come from, where we are going and what for; and finally arrive at a feeling of deterritorialization, a feeling that continues to be built through the
virtual world: where the “there” is not a geographical space that we can locate.

Letters from a Migrant by Luis Julio Carvajal
While creating L E T T E R S F R O M A M I G R A N T, I worked under the motto “digital collage for even more digital times.” We are experiencing times in which most of humanity’s issues are condensed in the COVID-19 crisis. Migration is not — many migrants are going back to their country of origin due to the difficulties they see for work during the pandemic; they would rather go back to the place they left because of internal political issues than face confinement and its demons in a country that is distant and different from their own. Nowadays, we are digitized at home, captive in other people’s realities, hoping to survive and that “this goes away soon.” They tell us to stay home, but what about those that don’t have one? The nomads, the ones that migrate, the ones that are running away from hunger and needs, to think about a migrant in these post-modern times is to think about oblivion, the void and the shadows. “Letters From a Migrant” are calls for help, they are the warning signs of a disappearance, and the absurd perception that we have about the other.

Part of a part, which departed and returned. by Angie Mansur
My inspiration comes from personal experiences related to migration. This project aims to show some of the feelings and emotions that the artist experienced, as well as many other people in this same context, starting from the subjective idea of fragments embraced by roots. For 20 days, I engaged in exploration using memories, establishing different characteristics such as color, movement, and space in order to capture the visual piece that makes us ask ourselves: What is our starting point? What am I leaving behind? What am I looking for? What would make me go back? And would I go back?

Selene by Kevin Cepeda
We live sitting under the shade of the great tree of life
Waiting to find sense and the route
While days become confusing amid so much noise
Only in you
I find my peace
While I behold you
I remember the beautiful moments from yesterday
and it is your white light
the one that lights my path…
drunk of longing
of smoke…
of wine…
and when your time ends
and your brother appears with the first light of dawn
I depart to my cave
where I sometimes wait
to see you again…