American Arts Incubator Sunsets After Six Successful Years of Cultural Diplomacy
After six cycles of generative creative exchanges, American Arts Incubator came to a close at the end of 2020. Between 2014 and 2020, we facilitated 30 American Arts Incubator exchanges in 28 countries, producing 182 art and projects for social impact and engaging over 1,300 workshop participants and 12,000 members of the public abroad.
The Future of Inclusion (Part 2)
How would our world be different if every president and prime minister’s action and speech were defined through a direct and collective contribution from every community member? How would our world be different if houses of worship and sacred spaces had multitudes of doors, welcoming humanity across different religions to enter with their own prayers?
Postcards from the Future: Collaborative Visions for Lima
It’s been a little over a month since the American Arts Incubator — Peru (AAI Peru) program was completed. Reflecting back on the month-long exchange, the global pandemic and virtual format did not dampen the enthusiasm and brilliance of the participating artists. Instead, it challenged us to adapt and respond to the moment, framed by the past…
About American Arts Incubator
American Arts Incubator (AAI) is a creative exchange program that utilizes community-driven digital and new media art projects to instigate dialogue, build communities, bolster local economies, and further social innovation. Each incubator addresses a relevant social or environmental challenge such as economic equity, youth empowerment, gender equality, and environmental health.
Title | Address | Description |
American Arts Incubator | San Francisco, CA, USA | |
Otavalo, Ecuador | Otavalo, Ekvádor | |
Alexandria, Egypt | Alexandrie, Egypt | |
Kochi, India | Kóčin, Kérala, Indie | |
Casablanca, Morocco | Casablanca, Maroko | |
Warsaw, Poland | Varšava, Polsko | |
Kyiv, Ukraine | Kyjev, Ukrajina, 02000 | |
Phnom Penh, Cambodia | Phnom Penh, Kambodža | |
Medellín, Colombia | Medellín, Antioquia, Kolumbie | |
Guatemala City, Guatemala | Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala | |
Moscow, Russia | Moskva, Rusko | |
Bangkok, Thailand | Bangkok, Thajsko | |
Wuhan, China | Wu-chan, Chu-pej, Čína | |
Dunedin, New Zealand | Dunedin, Nový Zéland | |
Dumaguete, Philippines | Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Filipíny | |
Hanoi, Vietnam | Hanoj, Hoàn Kiếm, Hanoi, Vietnam | |
Vientiane, Laos | Vientiane, Laos | |
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | Ulánbátar, Mongolsko | |
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby, Papua-Nová Guinea | |
Bacolod, Philippines | Bacolod, Negros Occidental, Filipíny | |
Pachuca, Mexico | Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexiko | |
Kathmandu, Nepal | Káthmándú 44600, Nepál | |
Durban, South Africa | Durban, Jihoafrická republika | |
Gwangju, South Korea | Kwangju, Korejská republika | |
Istanbul, Turkey | Istanbul, Turecko | |
Linz, Austria | Linz, Austria | |
Belo Horizonte, Brazil | Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil | |
Barranquilla, Colombia | Barranquilla, Atlantico, Colombia | |
Pristina, Kosovo | Prishtina | |
Lima, Peru | Lima, Peru |
Title | Address | Description |
American Arts Incubator | San Francisco, CA, USA | |
Otavalo, Ecuador | Otavalo, Ekvádor | |
Alexandria, Egypt | Alexandrie, Egypt | |
Kochi, India | Kóčin, Kérala, Indie | |
Casablanca, Morocco | Casablanca, Maroko | |
Warsaw, Poland | Varšava, Polsko | |
Kyiv, Ukraine | Kyjev, Ukrajina, 02000 | |
Phnom Penh, Cambodia | Phnom Penh, Kambodža | |
Medellín, Colombia | Medellín, Antioquia, Kolumbie | |
Guatemala City, Guatemala | Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala | |
Moscow, Russia | Moskva, Rusko | |
Bangkok, Thailand | Bangkok, Thajsko | |
Wuhan, China | Wu-chan, Chu-pej, Čína | |
Dunedin, New Zealand | Dunedin, Nový Zéland | |
Dumaguete, Philippines | Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, Filipíny | |
Hanoi, Vietnam | Hanoj, Hoàn Kiếm, Hanoi, Vietnam | |
Vientiane, Laos | Vientiane, Laos | |
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | Ulánbátar, Mongolsko | |
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby, Papua-Nová Guinea | |
Bacolod, Philippines | Bacolod, Negros Occidental, Filipíny | |
Pachuca, Mexico | Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexiko | |
Kathmandu, Nepal | Káthmándú 44600, Nepál | |
Durban, South Africa | Durban, Jihoafrická republika | |
Gwangju, South Korea | Kwangju, Korejská republika | |
Istanbul, Turkey | Istanbul, Turecko | |
Linz, Austria | Linz, Austria |
Social Challenges Our Artists Address
Current Exchanges

American Arts Incubator is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs developed in partnership with ZERO1.
T +1 408.909-3761
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