#VNLGBTQ247 and #diemchamcauvong
#VNLGBTQ247 uses photos taken by the Vietnamese LGBTQ community to tell stories about their everyday life. The project utilizes digital tools such as cameras and smart phones, which most people have these days, to record the moments of their daily lives and share it on social media by checking their location and adding the hashtag #VNLGBTQ247.
This project seeks to maximize the visibility of the LGBTQ community and send a strong message that LGBTQ people are just like everybody else.
Điểm Chạm Cầu Vồng
“Touched by the Rainbow” is an action campaign to increase the visibility of the LGBTQ community in Vietnam to eliminate the gap between them and mainstream society.
They invited people to take 10-second videos, upload them onto Instagram, and tag them with #diemchamcuavong (which translates to #touchedbytherainbow). They hope to create a space where the LGBTQ community and their supporters feel free and comfortable.The clips will then be shared on the project’s Facebook page to increase views, spread messages more quickly, and allow more people to participate. They want to emphasize that members of the LGBTQ community are like everyone else: normal people with simple needs.
Community Project Members:
- Nguyễn Quang Duy
- Le Duc Anh