Artist Project by Amy Karle

Artist Project by Amy Karle

“What is life in the bio-tech era?” Amy Karle’s work as American Arts Incubator exchange artist to Poland considers the “Layers of Life” and how we form —biologically/socially/emotionally/spiritually — on all levels, while questioning, “What is life in and...
Artist Project by Tiare Ribeaux

Artist Project by Tiare Ribeaux

Transmuted Ecologies Recently the Dnipro river has been experiencing high levels of pollution through harmful algal blooms, a widespread phenomenon caused by toxic industrial runoff and global climate change. The river has transformed from something once abundant with...
Artist Project by Laura Wright

Artist Project by Laura Wright

Narrowcasting Narrowcasting is a project inspired by the 2018 Womxn’s March in Seattle, Washington and named after the news sharing practices of the early years of Sangham Community Radio in Andhra Pradesh. In the early methods of this female run community radio,...
A Cultural Puzzle

A Cultural Puzzle

I am so proud, again, of all the participants as individuals and as teams. There are a few other notable teams that were crucial in realizing these project work: ZERO1, L’Uzine, and the American Consulate in Casablanca. I want to thank them for their help in...