Artist: Andrew Quitmeyer
Website: www.quitmeyer.org
Exchange: The Philippines
Andrew Quitmeyer is an artist, computer scientist, and adventurer interested in discovering new means of exploring and sharing the living world. He just completed his PhD at Georgia Tech, where he researched how digital media can be used in the study of animal behavior for exploration and outreach. He develops techniques and tools for expressing ideas in engaging and powerful new ways. His trans-disciplinary, multimedia works have been featured in outlets such as PBS, NPR, The Discovery Channel, Cartoon Network, Make Magazine, and Wired.
Quitmeyer was a Smithsonian Fellow in 2013, teaching interaction design and digital biocrafting workshops to scientists living in the Panamanian Rainforest, and previously lived in China.
The Latest from Andrew Quitmeyer
The Water’s Big Problems
Meeting with the locals at our site in Banilad, we asked them what the biggest problem was in their area. They unanimously said the same thing: garbage, trash, basura. Not only is there a lack of trash pickup on land, resulting in discarded bottles everywhere, but...
Views of the Late Night Hack
The sun goes away here each day in a glorious explosion of colors. The darkness doesn't cause anything to slow down though. The fast-paced Waterspace teams keep on trucking throughout the night. The crew is excitedly tinkering away on a million different little...
Workshop Mania
The workshop phase of the Arts Incubator went into full force this week. The goal was to fill the participants' brains with new ideas, complex issues, practical experience, and technological know-how until their minds were completely blown, then to clean up those...
American Arts Incubator is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs developed in partnership with ZERO1.
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