Feed the Future!

Feed the Future!

After a week of learning new skills, brainstorming, and working together on their presentations, pitch day arrived! There were a wide range of projects, ranging from new media (video and social media narrative to create a fictional scenario and product for one...
Bringing rain, Receiving gifts

Bringing rain, Receiving gifts

Hello, sain bainuu! Or, Сайн байна уу if we’re being proper about our script usage. Like a lot of Soviet influenced countries, Mongolia uses Cyrillic script to phonetically spell out the language. The change in language, weather and time zone makes Mongolia feel like...
Why Mongolia?

Why Mongolia?

“Why Mongolia?” Zaya asks me, as we walk through patches of evergreen trees, near the ruins of a Buddhist monastery on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar. In many ways it’s obvious, why Mongolia might be the perfect place for a designer to work at the intersection of...