by Ellen Pearlman | Jun 23, 2020 | Blog Ukraine 2, Digital Literacy, Ellen Pearlman, Featured, Ukraine 2, ZERO1
I was really looking forward to spending time in Kyiv, Ukraine this past April, but my plans were thrown for a loop by the COVID-19 pandemic. With great assistance from ZERO1, I pivoted in the short space of two weeks to a fully online experience. It was also...
by ZERO1 | Jun 16, 2020 | Community Projects, Community Projects Ukraine 2, Digital Literacy, Ukraine 2
This team’s research included investigating various environmental factors that affect climate change, which they categorized as positive or negative (while acknowledging that many are controversial). They selected six factors to examine, and discussed how they could...
by ZERO1 | Jun 16, 2020 | Community Projects, Community Projects Ukraine 2, Digital Literacy, Ukraine 2
MUDRA is a smart AI-based program that processes sign language in real-time (including Ukrainian Sign Language) and translates this data into other media (text, voice, music, visual output). The aim of the project is to create a product that helps people with hearing...
by ZERO1 | Jun 16, 2020 | Community Projects, Community Projects Ukraine 2, Digital Literacy, Ukraine 2
“David’s World” reflects the team’s research into fake news and conspiracies around COVID-19. They created a digital environment using Unity and Raymarching, as well as Magenta Studio, that reflects this type of worldview, visually representing the increasing degree...
by ZERO1 | Jun 16, 2020 | Community Projects, Community Projects Ukraine 2, Digital Literacy, Ukraine 2
This project contemplates isolation and social distancing in a moment where many relationships are mediated through the screen by creating a virtual world. The surroundings and sounds in this world convey a feeling of solitude to the viewer, though it is actually a...